

While you are in Japan, why not visit “Maybe the world’s smallest chocolate factory” in Chiba ~tour #88 ~

I found this name on Google Maps and couldn't help but go there! It really catches your eye, isn't it? Maybe the smalles...

While you are in Japan, why not visit Hoki Museum, which has Exquisitely realistic paintings that look like photographs!~#tour 74~

日本語版Here are lots of paintings here that look even more real than photographs! You get the illusion of looking at the sc...

While you are in Japan, why not visit the Kakujogyorui, Fresh fish supermarket from Niigata prefecture? ~tour #98~

There is a great fish store! This is Kakujogyorui. It is commonly called Kakujo. Locals say it's an addictive supermarket that they can't stop once they visit. The fish they sell is fresh and has a wide variety. They will also cut the fish you buy on the spot! ! Sushi is also delicious and affordable.