While you are in Japan, why not enjoy the traditional Japanese way of drinking sake, Fuguhire-sake” (blowfish fin sake)

ふぐひれ Foods in English

A delicious way to drink Japanese sake is “Fuguhire-sake.”  I feel that the taste of Japanese sake becomes mellower with blowfish fin. If you are sake-lover, please enjoy “Fuguhire-sake” during the winter days.

Fuguhire-sake at the restaurant

This is the blowfish fin sake I drank when I ate blowfish hotpot. It was delicious, I got so carried away that I forgot to take the most important photo of the hot pot…

Fuguhire-sake at home

You can easily enjoy it at home. Just grill the fin of tiger blowfish and add it to hot sake.

Sounds easy, isn’t it? But if you are like me don’t know where to buy blowfish fillets go to a supermarket.

Special fin pack for Fuguhire-sake

Be sure to purchase a tiger pufferfish fin specifically prepared for blowfish fin sake. You can find it in the dry goods section or the sake section.

At my house, we put two pieces in a cup. A larger cup is better than an usual small sake cup. Pour hot sake into it. I have an impression that honjozo sake (contains brewed alcohol) has a cleaner aftertaste than pure rice sake (only rice and rice koji), and goes well with blowfish fin sake. This is my favorite. It is always fun to try different matching, please look for your favorite sake for Fuguhire-sake.


At first, many overseas visitors were afraid of tasting pufferfish, as it is a highly poisonous fish. However, once you try it, you will be hooked on Fuguhire-sake. Please be sure to use fins that have been prepared by professionals. Be safe, and enjoy!

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